Friday, August 8, 2008
Why do Kids Love the GAC?

Thursday, August 7, 2008
Fall Adventure Club Dates

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

We introduced the "Great Adventure Club (GAC) logo 2 years ago. So far, God has provided funds each semester for our "adventurers" to receive a shirt with the theme we are using. The front of their shirt has our featured theme logo as a large imprint. On the back is a small GAC logo along with our chosen Scripture boldly printed.
Our clubs themes and verses thus far have been:
- Faith Race - Hebrews 12:1-2,
- FBI (Faithful Bible Investigators) - John 1:1,
- C.H.A.M.P. Camp (Christ Has A Mighty Plan) - Jeremiah 29:11-14,
- and Expedition 16:15 - 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
Praying for Shirts
Saints that have heard about our club, and believe in what we are doing, have blessed our effort with monitory donations. The shirts are a ministry within the ministry!
The kids and adults wear God's Word in a lot of places; home, school, church, while playing, sporting events, restaurants, and while their family vacations and shopping. God promises that HIS Word will not return void. (Isaiah 55:11). Who can look at a T-shirt and NOT read it? The shirts may possibly be the only Bible scripture some folks will read on any given day.
The exciting thing is that the kids that we have ministered to have been sharing the Word of God through t-shirts for 6 years!
We average about 20 leader volunteers and 80 - 90 kids in each club - in 2 clubs a school year. 6 years x 2 clubs a year = 12 club themed shirts x at least 100 shirts a club = over 1200 opportunities to share God's Word with the world! AND - those shirts are passed on to siblings, sold in garage sales, or passed on to local ministries to pass on to people needing clothes. One shirt with Scripture has quite a life of witness! All God needs is a willing person to wear it!
A special THANK YOU BLESSING goes out to those that have invested in the mission to kid's in our local public school!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Great Adventure Club Plans
PRAY for the Leadership Team of GAC (Great Adventure Club) as the plans for our next after school Bible club are finalizing. We will start promoting the club in the school in September and begin receiving permission slips from parents and guardians around the middle of the month. It seems like every year there is more competition for kids to participate in other after school activities other than GAC. We are working with 3rd - 5th graders - so bringing the new students in is a challenge as well as keeping the interest of the 5th graders. They really grow up fast in the 3 years they are in intermediate school. It is our prayer to have the opportunity to reach all the students with the Truth of God's Word. It is truly a privilege - "For Such A Time As This" - that God has allowed us to be in public school in our community!
This year's theme will be "The SaFaRI Treasure". SaFaRI is an acrostic for Savior and Friend and Redeemer Immortal. The "Treasure" is eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven given to all that recieve Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. Our prayer is to clearly teach each of those Truths to the kids during our 6 club meetings this fall.
PRAY for our Leaders, Guides, and "Adventurers" as we embark on this "SaFaRI" together.
PRAY the children discover Jesus as their personal Savior, Friend, and Redeemer through this Great Adventure; that we guide them in discover these Truths in the Bible for themselves; that they will better understand and internalize the Truths through the object lessons; that they hide the Truths in their hearts through memorizing Scriptures; and that we, the Leaders and Guides, show them the love of Jesus through our interaction with them.
PRAY the lessons we write and present will be blessed by the Holy Spirit to accomplish the goal of honoring and glorifying God and bringing children into the Kingdom of God.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Why Great Adventure address?