Last week was the goofy photo of the club. This week is the good one.
Banker Buck says the completed Trail Rides now earn you $75 - not $60!!!
Trail Ride #4
You are on the RIGHT TRAIL NOW, Partner! Bring the Trail Ride homework back to Rodeo Round-UP next week and receive 1 gold Bronco Buck worth $75!!!! You will get $75 1- Bronco Bucks for each of the following....(1) bring your Bible, (2) wear your shirt, (3) know your memory verse and (4) bring your completed Trail Ride homework.
Do all 4 things and earn $300 for EWITBIAT!!!! YEE-HAW!!!
1. By using the hand poses, what is Commandment #1? Point to God - God is #1 - HE is the ONE True God.
2. Commandment # 5? 5 fingers salute like a soldier. Honor your Father and Mother.
4. The 9 fingers reminds us of #9. 4 fingers clean off the palm of 5 fingers. Don't lie.
5. Number 10 is another one that we all struggle with. 10 fingers grabbing for more things. Don't crave what other have.
6. The 10 Commandments are GOD’S way of helping us with our behavior. God’s says he puts his “hedge” around us for PROTECTION. (See John 17:15)
7. Show someone all the different hand poses for remembering the 10 Commandments. See if they can remember them too. Who did you show? Write their name on your Trail Ride paper too.
Did they learn them as well as you did?