Snack Man wanted to say, HI!
Can you say 1 Timothy 1:17 verse without reading it yet?

Return the completed assignment to The SaFaRI Treasure Club on November 13th
Here is your BONUS:
Return the completed assignment to The SaFaRI Treasure Club on November 13th
Here is your BONUS:
SaFaRI is an acrostic for….
Savior and Friend and Redeemer Immortal
Savior and Friend and Redeemer Immortal
Can you say 1 Timothy 1:17 verse without reading it yet?
Try saying it. Then check to see what a great job you did.
You can fill in the blanks on your Challenge paper!
Unto the King Eternal, Immortal, Invisible,
The Only Wise God, be honor and glory forever.
The Only Wise God, be honor and glory forever.
1 Timothy 1:17
You are doing SUPER!!!
You are doing SUPER!!!
Hide this verse in your heart too!
Jesus Christ, is the same yesterday, today and forever.
Jesus Christ, is the same yesterday, today and forever.
~Hebrews 13:8
Guess what! That verse is Snack Man's FAVORITE VERSE!
Just ask him!
Next week is our LAST SaFaRI Treasure Adventure!
Don't miss the PARTY!